Monday, june 25th, 2012
I remind to all my readers, that in 1.july at 3.00pm in Võnnu church is my next exposition opened. I'll be there too!
And what about IAT wish letter - I'm totally satisfied. In the beginning of the month I'll give a little review.
Certainly is the wish letter still very needed. The sum of money what's written there, is far from (koos, olemas)
Just today, earlier, I donated LEEPÜ some of my own money to pay my personal assistants. The salaries are squared, but how to I manage? I don't think of that. There always a change doing better of worst. It's all in the eye of beholder;)
And I have new painting. I painted it out of nothing. You'll see it when picture of it is being taken. Seems to me I have to buy a camera then I can take pictures all the time. And ofcourse I have to buy (kallikese). But how long do I say that, I don't know:D
Tuesday, june 19th, 2012
Crazy week
Never say never! I said I wouldn't go to Tallinn and yet I did. Since it was a last minute decision, I couldn't find anyone who to come with me. I called Ly who luckily had a day off from her daily work and she agreed to come with me. So she still had to work as a personal assistant. "Think" carrier days ended pretty cool. And my oh my - that schoolstory (koolilugu) what I wroted (põlve otsas) and what stayed short and unfinished for myself, that story kept in mind:) Three best writers recived a gift and I was one of them. My (kallike) wasn't with me, but that doesn't stopped me form useing paper.
I want to thank Tartu-Tallinn-Tartu route busdrivers. Both of them were very nice. They carried me to the backrow of the bus, because there were no available seats in the front. I'll travel every day Tartu-Tallinn route if all busdrivers were like them!
My home is total mess right now. But I like this kind of disorganisation.
Thank you all who have supported IAT. It slowly gets to me that wish letter wasn't bad idea afer all.
Monday, june 11, 2012
My stroy can be read in the local newspaper
In the morning of 8.june said Hi! and gave their best regards to us in Kaagvere young people from South-Korea. I helped organized that event. On May last day asked me if I would like to help and ofcourse I agreed. I'd like to thank Helina Voogne from MTÜ Noorte Missioon and our local goverment who gave permition to this event very quickly.
First word what I heared from our visitors was "Tere!" in clear estonian. Our little village square was full of songs and dances and plays from South-Korea. The Koreans danced four dances and sang korean hymn. The play was suprisingly awsome. Theme was how broken hearts recover. They act with masks and facial expressions, no words needed. Play lasted about 30 minutes. I was afraid a little bit, because there were a religious theme hidden. But I also think that religious and non-religious people are similar everywhere. Everyone believe in something or someone, difference is how to call it.
The Koreans huged us warmly an said prayers for us. I, personally, take prays as a good whishes and thoughts. Finally I offered my own (personal assistant helped) baked cake.
And I showed them my paintings. It seemed that they was just as much impressed of my leg-painting tehnique as I was of their songs and dances.
It's a pity that ladies an gentlemans of Kaagvere didn't dare to come closer. Maybe my wheelchair distraced or they haven't used to that I could organize something fascinating in Kaagvere.
Wednesday, 6th june, 2012
Wish letter
I'm brave and letting every bad emotion into the past. Believe me, I've wanted to to this for a long time but it's wasn't as easy as can be guessed. With this letter i search no sympathy or compassion. This is to point out some problems. And for me, that this year can me a little happier and I don't have to think moneyproblems so often. Yes, I know, I don't write my money problems very often, and theres no need to. It's enough when I say my wallet is pink ;)
I've let some people read this letter and asked their advise. Their thoughts have been suprisingly positive - although letter below is quite long I have shorter version of that too. Ofcourse I've could write more specific, so if You have any questions, please ask me.
And today I heared this letter will be translated into english and goes to wider audience. This came as a total suprise to me. So there still is chances or isn't?
There is letter:
Dear reader,
my name is Tiia. I'm trying to live rich, normal life. My riches are my wishes to live full life and to be a full-fledged member of society, altough I have physical disabilities.
In everyday activity I use personal assistant (IAT).
In year I use IAT about 2400 hours, this is 300 workdays. Depends on activities, some day I need IAT 4 hours, the other day 16 hours. But I'm sure I don't need IAT 24/7 as doctors think.
I fund IAT atleast a half percentage myself, by donating to myself and I'm doing it over 10 years. At 2011 is IAT's official (osutaja?) MTÜ LEEPU (South-Estonia Special Need Family Union). I'm also a chairwoman of that organisation. That means I'm employer for three people and I'm paying taxes. I'm trying to be a conscientious employer, but it's bit complicated to share my own money with IAT.
To me is financing myself very hard because I have to live my own life too. It's difficult, but it's the only way I've found so far. My IAT is supported by Mäksa commune administration about 12 years. In Estonia, there's social welfare and services developed slightly. People don't understand that spcial needed people with IAT can be profitable resource.
This means I've created my own IAT wich has been lead me to progress. I have motivation, vision and will to keep me going forward, to complete unfinished goals wich somehow can help other people. I'm and artist, I want to be a good educator and consultant and I want to write a new book this year. I wish to be just myself, to be a good friend, mother and grand-mother and in the same time not depend on anyone else but me.
This year, 2012, I have to donate my own money about 2800 eur. IAT can be funded, but there's also a threat that some of my personal needs stays incomplete wich causes more problems. For example, I need a new computer and printer, I want to remodel my home 'cause it's literally molding. I'm doing fine, if in this year even a 50% of financial obligation can be lifted off my shoulders. In future, I want to work harder, so I could earn better. But when it works, I can finally feel safe about IAT.
If You belive that me and my work with IAT is necessary, please make a donation to MTÜ LEEPÜ into SEB bank 10220060800010. Every euro is step forward to my goals and helps IAT development in Estonia. If one moment there is enough funds for IAT, I'll let You know. Donation for living my life I don't want! In return I can mention You on my web page or at my exhibitions as a friend thanks to whom I can use IAT.
I remind to all my readers, that in 1.july at 3.00pm in Võnnu church is my next exposition opened. I'll be there too!
And what about IAT wish letter - I'm totally satisfied. In the beginning of the month I'll give a little review.
Certainly is the wish letter still very needed. The sum of money what's written there, is far from (koos, olemas)
Just today, earlier, I donated LEEPÜ some of my own money to pay my personal assistants. The salaries are squared, but how to I manage? I don't think of that. There always a change doing better of worst. It's all in the eye of beholder;)
And I have new painting. I painted it out of nothing. You'll see it when picture of it is being taken. Seems to me I have to buy a camera then I can take pictures all the time. And ofcourse I have to buy (kallikese). But how long do I say that, I don't know:D
Tuesday, june 19th, 2012
Crazy week
Never say never! I said I wouldn't go to Tallinn and yet I did. Since it was a last minute decision, I couldn't find anyone who to come with me. I called Ly who luckily had a day off from her daily work and she agreed to come with me. So she still had to work as a personal assistant. "Think" carrier days ended pretty cool. And my oh my - that schoolstory (koolilugu) what I wroted (põlve otsas) and what stayed short and unfinished for myself, that story kept in mind:) Three best writers recived a gift and I was one of them. My (kallike) wasn't with me, but that doesn't stopped me form useing paper.
I want to thank Tartu-Tallinn-Tartu route busdrivers. Both of them were very nice. They carried me to the backrow of the bus, because there were no available seats in the front. I'll travel every day Tartu-Tallinn route if all busdrivers were like them!
My home is total mess right now. But I like this kind of disorganisation.
Thank you all who have supported IAT. It slowly gets to me that wish letter wasn't bad idea afer all.
Monday, june 11, 2012
My stroy can be read in the local newspaper
In the morning of 8.june said Hi! and gave their best regards to us in Kaagvere young people from South-Korea. I helped organized that event. On May last day asked me if I would like to help and ofcourse I agreed. I'd like to thank Helina Voogne from MTÜ Noorte Missioon and our local goverment who gave permition to this event very quickly.
First word what I heared from our visitors was "Tere!" in clear estonian. Our little village square was full of songs and dances and plays from South-Korea. The Koreans danced four dances and sang korean hymn. The play was suprisingly awsome. Theme was how broken hearts recover. They act with masks and facial expressions, no words needed. Play lasted about 30 minutes. I was afraid a little bit, because there were a religious theme hidden. But I also think that religious and non-religious people are similar everywhere. Everyone believe in something or someone, difference is how to call it.
The Koreans huged us warmly an said prayers for us. I, personally, take prays as a good whishes and thoughts. Finally I offered my own (personal assistant helped) baked cake.
And I showed them my paintings. It seemed that they was just as much impressed of my leg-painting tehnique as I was of their songs and dances.
It's a pity that ladies an gentlemans of Kaagvere didn't dare to come closer. Maybe my wheelchair distraced or they haven't used to that I could organize something fascinating in Kaagvere.
Wednesday, 6th june, 2012
Wish letter
I'm brave and letting every bad emotion into the past. Believe me, I've wanted to to this for a long time but it's wasn't as easy as can be guessed. With this letter i search no sympathy or compassion. This is to point out some problems. And for me, that this year can me a little happier and I don't have to think moneyproblems so often. Yes, I know, I don't write my money problems very often, and theres no need to. It's enough when I say my wallet is pink ;)
I've let some people read this letter and asked their advise. Their thoughts have been suprisingly positive - although letter below is quite long I have shorter version of that too. Ofcourse I've could write more specific, so if You have any questions, please ask me.
And today I heared this letter will be translated into english and goes to wider audience. This came as a total suprise to me. So there still is chances or isn't?
There is letter:
Dear reader,
my name is Tiia. I'm trying to live rich, normal life. My riches are my wishes to live full life and to be a full-fledged member of society, altough I have physical disabilities.
In everyday activity I use personal assistant (IAT).
In year I use IAT about 2400 hours, this is 300 workdays. Depends on activities, some day I need IAT 4 hours, the other day 16 hours. But I'm sure I don't need IAT 24/7 as doctors think.
I fund IAT atleast a half percentage myself, by donating to myself and I'm doing it over 10 years. At 2011 is IAT's official (osutaja?) MTÜ LEEPU (South-Estonia Special Need Family Union). I'm also a chairwoman of that organisation. That means I'm employer for three people and I'm paying taxes. I'm trying to be a conscientious employer, but it's bit complicated to share my own money with IAT.
To me is financing myself very hard because I have to live my own life too. It's difficult, but it's the only way I've found so far. My IAT is supported by Mäksa commune administration about 12 years. In Estonia, there's social welfare and services developed slightly. People don't understand that spcial needed people with IAT can be profitable resource.
This means I've created my own IAT wich has been lead me to progress. I have motivation, vision and will to keep me going forward, to complete unfinished goals wich somehow can help other people. I'm and artist, I want to be a good educator and consultant and I want to write a new book this year. I wish to be just myself, to be a good friend, mother and grand-mother and in the same time not depend on anyone else but me.
This year, 2012, I have to donate my own money about 2800 eur. IAT can be funded, but there's also a threat that some of my personal needs stays incomplete wich causes more problems. For example, I need a new computer and printer, I want to remodel my home 'cause it's literally molding. I'm doing fine, if in this year even a 50% of financial obligation can be lifted off my shoulders. In future, I want to work harder, so I could earn better. But when it works, I can finally feel safe about IAT.
If You belive that me and my work with IAT is necessary, please make a donation to MTÜ LEEPÜ into SEB bank 10220060800010. Every euro is step forward to my goals and helps IAT development in Estonia. If one moment there is enough funds for IAT, I'll let You know. Donation for living my life I don't want! In return I can mention You on my web page or at my exhibitions as a friend thanks to whom I can use IAT.
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